"Now I see the secret of the making of the best person. It is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the Earth. "
- Walt Whitman
Feronia Forward partners with schools in Urban & rural areas to offer scholarships to their classes: In our "Conserving Together" program, students spend a day of exploration, adventure, learning, team-building, and fun at Ramblewild: a 1,000 acre conservation forest that provides the opportunity for experiential outdoor Learning rooted in the NGSS and STEM/STEAM concepts. the ramblewild forest incorporates miles of hiking trails in a pristine, natural setting; recreational & team building activities; a multitude of products of the forest; and hosts one of the largest renewable energy projects in New England. it is a unique venue for experiential outdoor education. the program is grade-specific and complies with state educational standards. for many of the participating children, the experience can be life-transforming: we connect children with nature - often for the first time - and educate them about sustainability and conservation.
each year we host professional development workshops for teachers, part of Berkshire County’s public school teachers’ continuing education program. these workshops focus on the benefits of exposure to nature in youths, and how to incorporate nature and the practical applications of NGSS and STEM standards in their curriculum.
Last, we periodically host special needs events at the ramblewild aerial park, making it possible for children and young adults with disabilities, and those who care for them, to participate in a uniquely empowering outdoor activity that is generally not available to them.